MQO Research spoke with 600 residents of Nova Scotia to gauge the political temperature in the province for the Summer edition of our quarterly political poll: Atlantic Matters.
Provincial Politics
According to the latest polling numbers, the governing Liberals hold a comfortable lead. Among decided and leaning voters:
- CurrentLiberalsupportjumped5percentagepointsto45%.
- PCPartysupportheldsteadyat31%.
- NDP support was down marginally by 3 percentage points to 20%.
- Support for the Green Party held steady this quarter at 4%.
- The undecided / no vote group was relatively unchanged at 40% in July.
“The Liberals hold a commanding lead in Halifax and among older voters,” said Stephen Moore, Vice President at MQO. “These strengths kept the Liberal’s level of support consistent for more than a year.”
Government Performance
Ratings for the leadership of Premier Stephen McNeil held relatively steady this quarter with a mean score of 4.7 (on a 10-point scale).
Provincial Outlook
The economic outlook for the province was relatively unchanged in July. 33% of Nova Scotians reported that their outlook on the economy had worsened over the past three months while 49% indicated their outlook had stayed the same and 14% felt things had gotten better.
The Atlantic Matters poll was conducted by telephone from July 16th to July 31st and included 600 randomly selected eligible voters from across the province. The margin of error for the total sample is +/- 4.0 percentage points 19 times out of 20.
About MQO Research
MQO Research is one of Atlantic Canada’s leading market research firms, providing research insights to clients throughout the region and beyond. Our team includes experts in quantitative and qualitative methodologies and program evaluation. MQO subscribes to the highest standards of information gathering and research ethics in the industry in Canada.
For more information on Atlantic Matters or MQO Research, contact:
Tracey Stephenson
[email protected]
Phone: 506-852-7281
Cell: 506-850-8077